When the child's food poisoning, do not panic. If you panic, this condition can actually worsen. To avoid any act, carefully used condition baby.
What are the symptoms?
Stomach cramps, Fever, Vomiting
CHAPTER often mixed with blood, pus or mucus
Feeling weak and shivering, loss of appetite
Note, vomiting and bowel problems became so serious in infants or toddlers., Because it can cause dehydration.
How Long Will Experience Symptoms?
Symptoms of food poisoning can be seen around 4-24 hours after the contaminated baby food that are toxic. These symptoms can last about 3-4 days. But it could be much longer, if the child was accidentally poisoned still eating contaminated food.
Note: Symptoms will be more quickly seen in young children, because her body is more vulnerable. For example, only 2 hours after eating contaminated food.
First Actions What To Do
If he is vomiting and frequent bowel movement, Check his temperature. Who knew she was also his fever, also check the stool. Is there any mucus or blood? Lay the baby and do not give food to be chewed first. Instead, give ORS little by little. If you do not have ORS, give only water mixed with salt and sugar. Try searching again what caused the poisoning of children.
When is the doctor?
If he is vomiting and diarrhea continued, while the maximum fluid intake can not
If he still can and want to drink, but her condition did not improve within 12 hours, he was just diarrhea and fever
Note: If your doctor can not immediately handle, quickly take the child to the nearest hospital emergency room. Could be, he needed an IV.
Prevent Poisoning
Familiarize children pay attention to cleanliness of hands. He also must always wash hands after bowel movements.
If you are taking care of the little dirt you should also always wash hands thoroughly after cleaning the stool or change her diaper.
Store cooked food in the refrigerator. If not warmed, make sure the heat evenly. Because, salmonella (which became the culprit of food poisoning) are usually happy and thriving in the warm food. However, these bacteria will die at high temperatures.
Cook food until completely cooked. That is, mature should be evenly distributed into the food
v Tips On Choosing Foods
When buying packaged foods, look canned and lid. Is it still smooth or is already open? Is the can a little bubble or not? Never choose foods that are defective or tin blister packaging. Could be, the food is contaminated with bacteria.
Buy a meat and seafood in a place that can be accounted for cleanliness.
Do not give honey to infants under age 1 year. It is feared that honey contains Clostridium botullinum bacteria that can cause your child poisoning
v Deal with Baby Allergies
Baby's immune system is still weak make it easy to allergies. Recognize the symptoms, so you were right about it. Allergies are hypersensitivity reactions of the body to the environment or materials that the body is considered foreign or dangerous.
Some types of allergies your child may be quite easy to recognize the symptoms, but, there is also a hidden allergy type symptoms or similar symptoms of certain diseases. To avoid any act, first identify the symptoms.
Arise bump-bumps on the skin or itchy skin
The small frequent scratching, rubbing or holding your nose. Sneezing accompanied with itching of the nose, watery eyes or more times in the air exhaled from the nose as if trying to remove something. Colds who relapse repeatedly and usually lasts between 1-2 weeks or colds recur regularly in certain months every year. Often accompanied by a runny nose and sneezing.
Itchy throat and mouth feels like there is dirt inside. Itching is often accompanied by cold, whereas the minor is not the flu.
Shortness of breath.
Here are some types of allergies plus address trick
Allergies of the respiratory tract
The reaction of asthma and colds
a. Clean the house regularly so that dust does not accumulate, and try for the home environment free from dust mite, mites and animal fur
b. Avoid contact with the small flowering plants, because pollen is often trigger allergic reactions in the respiratory tract
c. Do not keep in the house bianatang
Allergic form of diarrhea
Generally experienced by those little ones who suffer from celiac disease, digestive system that is hypersensitive to gluten (the type of protein contained in grains)
d. Do not give your baby foods that contain grains
e. Avoid giving foods that contain substances that can stimulate the digestive organs. For example, chili, pepper, vinegar, shrimp or other seafood
f. Allergic form of pink eye. These reactions arise as a result of foreign objects into the eyes of toddlers
g. Embed this habit in your child not to hold the eye with a hand-holding
h. When the toddler itchy eyes, do not let he rubbed his drug-nguceknya but give the eye or go to the doctor immediately
Allergic form of red skin
Occur due to allergies to food, medicines or insect bites
i. Check if the previous child eat something that contains allergens (allergy triggers) seperto antibiotics, shrimp or insect bites
j. When the itchy red skin, immediately give the medicine, calamine lotion, talc, oil, wasps, white wood, or other. That way, the itch can be reduced
k. If the itching does not subside or disappear as well, quickly take the child to the doctort bawa si kecil ke dokter
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